Ring of Kerry & Killarney, Ireland.

After a very comfortable night in the Metropole Hotel, Cork City, the Pharts loaded up the car and headed west. Killarney was the destination, but via the very popular Ring of Kerry. The weather was overcast, cool and showery, but this is Ireland!

We decided to drive the Ring ”clockwise”, as the tour buses go the other way. We stopped in the very attractive Kenmare for a coffee, then lunch in Waterville. The latter is notable for the Butler Hotel, where the Chaplin family liked to holiday. Also notable was a number of children swimming in the sea!

Late afternoon we arrived at the Torc Hotel, on the outskirts of Killarney, and steady rain.

We drove the short distance to the town centre for dinner. It seemed extremely busy! We were informed the next day was the Ring of Kerry charity cycle race, therefore Killarney was full of cycling enthusiasts. We dined at the Curious Cat Wine Bar and Tapas. A great spot, in fact so good we had breakfast the next morning at their Curious Cat Cafe.

Killarney is very close to Lough Leane and Muckross Lake, so the Pharts decided to take on the Dinis Loop Walk. About 10kms all told. A good workout!