Pahi Coastal Walk

The Pahi Coastal walk is a new addition to New Zealand farmland walks. It is a 3 day, 2 night walk over coastal farmland at the top of the scenic Coromandel Peninsula.

We are a group of 10, which is the maximum number available to each group. Accommodation is in very comfortable houses and cabins. Food is provided, you just have to do the preparation yourselves.

Day one, and the intrepid hikers are picked up from Colville, and transported the 45 minutes to the Port Jackson homestead of the owners. After morning tea and instructions, we are off. A nice fine day, wonderful scenery, good company and not too challenging terrain.

Dinner that evening was superb, with the hosts leaving steak, salads, breads etc. which were devoured by the hungry and thirsty hikers. The study of several weather apps all indicated the next day was to be wet and windy!

We awoke next morning to extremely wet and windy conditions. There were three options. A 12 kilometre hike, an 18 kilometre hike or a gentle 3km wander to our next accommodation. Four of the group chose the 12km, the other six opting for the 3km. The four who did the 12 km looked like drowned rats when they finished, but all agreed it was worth it.

The overnight accommodation once again was very comfortable, and the pre prepared food once again ticking all the boxes!

The overnight weather continued to be “wild”, with the Coromandel being buffeted by high winds and heavy rain.

For our final morning, a loop coastal walk was suggested, but due to the weather conditions, we decided to stay warm and dry inside! Four of our group had brought their e-bikes, and were happy to cycle back to Colville from our Port Jackson base. The remaining six were happy to take the van back!

So, we arrive back in Colville around lunchtime, and head to the local cafe for food and drink. Unfortunately, it is still pouring down. We hear roads on the eastern side of the Peninsula are closed, but our western side is ok.

We say our good byes, and make the three hour drive back to Hamilton. Despite the weather, a very enjoyable few days.