
After a very pleasant three days in Bath, the travellers were off to Liverpool. On the way, they made a detour to Macclesfield to catch up with Sue’s niece Vicki, her partner Chris and children Maisey and Wesley.

On to Liverpool, and our accommodation, which turns out to be rather disappointing. A terrace home in a rather “scruffy” part of town, so we decide to stay for 2 nights, instead of our original 3.

A must visit is the Beatles Experience, at the Royal Albert Dock. An interesting and informative exhibition, including a mock Cavern and Abbey Road studios.

The next day is Scott’s birthday, and the Rugby World Cup final, with New Zealand playing South Africa. We sort out a venue, “The Long Shot Bar”, to watch the big game.

The rugby result was disappointing for the Kiwis! However, the next morning, whilst the youngsters had a sleep in, Sue and Blair headed into town for a Beatles bus tour. This 90 minute guided tour included a drive through the city, then out to the area where the Beatles grew up, their childhood homes and iconic sites. A great tour!