Lakes Tekapo and Ohau

With the Old Pharts having only recently returned from overseas travel, they were off again! Destination .. the South Island.

After flying from Hamilton to Christchurch, a Rav rental car was collected and it was off to Lake Tekapo for two nights.

By coincidence, friends Noel and Di Waterson were also in Tekapo, so we dined together one night, and skiied the Roundhill field nearby. We stayed once again at the Cairns Alpine Resort, this time in the Red Hut ( regular readers may remember the Old Pharts getting caught in a Covid lockdown twelve months ago. A planned two nights at the Cairns turned in to fifteen!)

Next stop, the Lake Ohau Lodge and a ski at the Ohau field. Unfortunately rain the day before created wet and sticky snow, which made for diffucult skiing. Dining at the Lodge is communal, and our fellow guests were Australian tourists who made interesting and pleasant company.