Invercargill Golf Club Feb 2021.

Hamilton friends Jim and Gaye Fitchett had been in the South Island for a few weeks, and we all happened to be in Invercargill at the same time. We are all golf enthusiasts, so a round at the Invercargill golf club was arranged.

The weather was fine and warmish, and the course in excellent condition. It is demanding, with many dog legs and tight fairways. Accuracy was paramount off the tee, with Jim superior to Blair in that department. Needless to say, Blair was shouting the drinks in the 19th. Sue and Gaye both played well .. 38 points.

We all dined together that night at the Speights Ale House in Dee Street. We were amazed at the huge amount of choice on the menu. Something for everyone and we departed happiness filled!

After a very comfortable night at the 295 on Tay Motel, it was out to the Airport, and a flight to Stewart Island.