Dublin, Ireland

From Belfast to Dublin, and our final three days in Ireland.

The weather has finally warmed up, and we wandered around central Dublin in a warm 27 degrees. The city is very busy, and we were unable to get into our first choice restaurant. Fortunately, ”Mama Yo” squeezed us in. Excellent Asian food!

The next morning, we embarked on another city bike tour. Once again, really enjoyable, a great guide and a lot of territory covered.

For dinner that night we spotted a Syrian restaurant opposite our hotel, ”Damascus Gate.” Excellent food and the best hummus we had ever had!

For our final day in Dublin, we booked tickets for the ”Book of Kells” and the Old Library Exhibition, at Trinity College. The Book of Kells is one of the great treasures of medieval Europe. It was created by Early Christian monks around 800AD. The main chamber of the Old Library is the Long Room, filled with over 200,000 of the Library’s oldest books.

Suitably loaded with culture, we headed north, crossed the Liffey River, destination “Epic”, the Irish Emigration Museum. This was an interactive journey about how a small island made a big impact around the world. We really enjoyed this, and would recommend a visit when in Dublin.

We have had a great 16 days in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. We are to fly to Newcastle in England, and slowly make our way back to Somerset.