
After two and a half weeks in Chard, and the funeral and related tasks completed, it was time for a “mini break.” The destination is a fishing village, Brixham, on the south Devon coast in the “English Riviera.” We are staying in a very nice bed and breakfast called Ranscombe House. It overlooks the Harbour, and a short walk into the town centre.

Our first evening in Brixham, we dined at Rockfish, a restaurant on the waters edge. Although chilly, we dined on the outdoors verandah, and saw a numbers of fishing boats coming in. The food was very good .. seafood the specialty of course!

The next morning, after a hearty cooked breakfast, we decided to explore Berry Head, and continue walking out to Sharkham Point. A decent long walk, coming back through the town.

The afternoon saw the Pharts walking in the opposite direction, following the coastal path to Churston Cove.

Dinner was at Beamers restaurant. Quite delightful! A shared starter of fish balls, then I had the turbot, and Sue the Sea Bass. Great food and service.