Arrowtown, September 2023.

With winter almost over, the Pharts are off on their annual skiing pilgrimage. A change this year, with Arrowtown, not Wanaka, the destination. Two top commercial ski fields are close by. Coronet Peak and the Remarkables. Arrowtown is a small, picturesque township with a number of excellent bars and cafes, without the hustle and bustle of Queenstown.

After arriving and settling in to their Arrowtown Essex Avenue apartment, the Pharts are to meet friends at the Kobe Japanese restaurant at Millbrook. The friends however are unable to attend due to illness, so the Pharts dine alone. Fabulous food and service.

Our first day skiing is Sunday at Coronet Peak. A “Bluebird” day, with surprisingly few people. There is sufficient snow on the groomed trails, but a bit sparse off piste. Typical spring skiing .. firm to begin then softening from midday onwards. However, plenty of runs for the Old Campaigners, and an enjoyable day. Tonight we pick up friend Cameron from the Airport, who will join us through to Friday. Sadly his wife Maria can’t be present. Dog sitting duty.

Dinner that evening is Thai takeaway, from Arrow Thai food. We then drove to the Airport and collected Cameron.

The next day is another “cracker”, so we are up early and off skiing at Coronet Peak once again. Another stunning bluebird day, with small crowds and no lift queues. Dinner that night is the Mantra Indian restaurant in Arrowtown. We are joined for dinner by Russell Mawhinney, an old cricket friend of Blair’s, and a Queenstown local. Top food .. one of the best Indian restaurants we have been to.

The fine, settled weather continues, so we decide to try the Remarkables ski field for a change. More people, particularly snow boarders, but still no queues and plenty of skiing variety.

Dinner for the evening is at La Rumbla, a very popular local restaurant serving Spanish inspired small plate dishes. Excellent food!

After three days skiing in a row, the legs need a rest, so we opt for a day off the skis. Cameron has a friend in living in Wanaka, so we decide to head over there for the morning. Nice to be back in one of our favourite places!

Dinner for the evening is “Slow Cuts” in Arrowtown, where we are joined once again by local legend Russell Mawhinney. Another great meal, service and company

For the final full day in this fine part of the country, we decide to head back up to Coronet Peak. The forecast is for another fine day, but with the recent warm temperatures, the snow is beginning to retreat. However, a most enjoyable day on the mountain, with no queues and plenty of runs.

Dinner is a Thai takeaway from Arrow Thai. Excellent food and a satisfying evenings conclusion to an excellent skiing holiday.