Buckland St Mary, Somerset, England

With Oxford explored, the Ireland and England trails of discovery were effectively over. It was now just a leisurely drive to our Airbnb accommodation. We are to spend nine days in rural Buckland St Mary, a small village about 15 minutes north west of Chard. The accomodation is a one bedroomed apartment, in a converted attic in Buckland House. Should be ideal.

With the Old Pharts not fully recovered from Covid, this will be an opportunity to have a few meals in, go for walks in the countryside and generally chill out and enjoy the tranquility.

The weather has been very pleasant .. not too hot .. so the Pharts decide to visit the Dorset seaside town of Lyme Regis. It is also school holidays, so the area is very busy.

After a very relaxing eight days in South Somerset, the time has come to move on to London.