Millbrook, Arrowtown, Jan 2022.

After the rigours of the Milford Track, the Travellers had three days at Millbrook Resort to look forward to. An old pharmacy student friend of Blair’s, Ken Millar and his wife Emily have a house at Millbrook. Games of golf at ”The Hills”, ”Millbrook Coronet” and dinner at the Kobe Restaurant will be shared activities.

The next day, golf with Ken and Emily was again scheduled. The course this time was to be the Millbrook ”Coronet” course. Unfortunately the weather deteriorated, with overnight rain and showers during the round. The Old Pharts however completed their round, and loved the course.

Dinner that evening was at Kobe restaurant, at the Resort. Fantastic Japanese food, and highly recommended.

We loved our stay at Millbrook, and a big thanks to Ken and Emily for their hospitality and generousity.