The Routeburn Track Feb 13-15

After an overnight stay at the Novotel, Queenstown, it was an early start to catch the bus to the start of the Routeburn Track. Starting point is on the Te Anau to Milford Sound road, midway between the two. Our guide company was Ultimate Hikes, with two nights staying in their luxury lodges, with all food provided, plus being accompanied by three of the companies guides. In front of us was 32 kms of mixed terrain, climbing steadily to about 1400 metres, before our descent to the end.

The first notable destination on the track was Key Summit, which provided panoramic views. After lunch, we continued tramping on to our first overnight stop, McKenzie Lodge, alongside McKenzie Lake. Distance walked the first day, 12kms.

The Lodge is owned and operated by the Ultimate Hikes company, and is very comfortable .. a hotel in the bush! Hot showers, three course meals and a bar .. very civilised.

After a solid nights sleep, and a hearty breakfast, day two was to be an 11 km hike to Routeburn Falls Lodge. This involved a steady climb to the highest point of Conical Hill, at 1400 metres. As we were above the Bush line, and with excellent weather, the views were superb.

With lunch consumed, Conical Hill conquered (and an encounter with a Kea at the summit), we continued our journey to Routeburn Falls Lodge. Once at the Lodge, we felt we deserved a cold beer prior to our three course dinner.

After another solid nights sleep in the very comfortable Lodge bedroom, it was time to prepare for the conclusion of the walk. This was to be a 9 km walk to Routeburn Road end. Our coach will be there to drive us back to Queenstown, via Glenorchy. This was mostly downhill on wide and smooth terrain, with some rocky patches.

We stopped for lunch at Forge Flats, where some of the group bravely decided to swim in the very chilly water.

And then, we reached the end. The adventure was over. The Old Pharts thoroughly enjoyed their first Great Walk. Next year .. the Milford Track?

Full credit to Ultimate Hikes and our guides Blake, Tess and Lara. A very professional organisation.