Dubai and then England

With the quite sudden passing away of Sue’s mother, after a short illness, the Pharts had to hastily organise a flight to England. Sue had only recently returned for her mother’s 90th birthday celebrations.

Fortunately, our travel agent was able to book return flights for us on Emirates, via Dubai. We were travelling premium economy.

The Auckland to Dubai leg is 17 hours, so the Pharts decided on a 24 hour stopover. They had been to Dubai before, some 10 years ago, so decided to stay and explore the older area, near Dubai Creek.

The flight on the A380 was very comfortable, and some sleep was had. Dubai was a warm 33 degrees, and it was pleasant to walk around, stretch the legs and take in the sights.

After a bite to eat in our hotel, it was very early to bed, as we were tired, and being picked up at 4:45am! We both had a decent sleep, and were perky and alert as we headed back to the Airport, and the final leg to London Heathrow. At seven hours, it will be a walk in the park compared to seventeen.

Chard, Somerset, England

After collecting our rental car from Heathrow Airport, we hit the road for Chard, Somerset.

After a meeting with the Funeral Director, Yvonne’s funeral is set for Wednesday May 10th, at Taunton Crematorium. Also, excitement builds in the UK with the King’s upcoming Coronation.

When back in Chard, we like nearby visit Lyme Regis, and lunch at our favourite spot, The Bell tearooms. The weather was cool and overcast. Not really beach weather!

Yvonne’s funeral was a very successful and fitting send off at Taunton Crematorium. Sue did a great job of the eulogy, with the “after match” at Hornsbury Mill. This is mainly now a Wedding venue, but the Crossman family owned it for many years previously. An old watermill, Sue grew up there and served many a cream tea!

Out and about in the Chard area. Lots of walks, pub lunches and dodging the rain.

Near Chard is Forde Abbey, historic house and gardens.It is a privately owned former Cistercian Monastery dating back 900 years!