Lake Waikaremoana.

Following a visit to Eat Streat in downtown Rotorua, the Old Pharts spent a very comfortable night at the Black Swan Lodge, lakeside. After an early breakfast, they were collected by guide Elaine, of the tour company “Walking Legends.”

A total of 13 guests and two guides (Dylan the other), destination .. Lake Waikaremoana. With two minivans (one towing the luggage trailer), the intrepid travellers were off. Of concern was the long range weather forecast, with a cyclone in the Pacific heading towards NZ!

As we drive towards the Lake and into the heart of Te Urewera, we stop at the Whirinaki Forest. We are to do a 3 hour loop hike through the pristine, giant podocarp forest, including giant tōtara, kahikatea and matai.

After a delicious lunch in the forest (with fantastic coffee prepared by guide Dylan .. a trained barista), we hike back to the vans and continue our journey to Waikaremoana. The road is mainly gravel from now on, and quite windy.

We arrive at our accommodation, the Waikaremoana Holiday Park, and are shown to our chalet. Very comfortable!
After settling in, it is time for drinks, nibbles and an opportunity to gather and chat with our fellow guests. A great bunch of interesting people, including Kiwis, Aussies and Americans.

After a delicious steak dinner prepared by our talented guides, we all turned in for an early night.

Day two, and after a hearty breakfast, we load into the vans and drive to the beginning of todays destination. This is a hike up the spectacular Panekire Bluffs, that overlook Lake Waikaremoana. This section is part of the Lake Waikaremoana Great Walk track. As we climb higher, we see the lush podocarp forest change into cloud forest with trees covered in fascinating hanging moss. We continue hiking to reach the highest point of the Great Walk track. What great views and a great place for a picnic lunch!

This was quite a tough hike, with an elevation of 600 metres. It was a careful descent, with lots of tree roots and strain on the knees!

We all made it safely back to camp, and after a scrub up and relax, we wandered over to the kitchen area for drinks, nibbles and a natter. Dinner was lamb .. once again delicious! Of concern is the weather forecast. A large cyclone is heading for the North Island of NZ, with an abundance of wind and rain. Access to the Lake is via gravel roads, with areas prone to slips.

Day 3, and a short drive to the start of the track that leads to Lake Waikareiti. It is about an hours walk through red and silver beech forest up to the pristine lake. This lies a further 300 metres in elevation above Lake Waikaremoana. As it is reached only by walking track, it has outstanding water clarity.

After hiking back to the vans, we crossed the road to check out the Āniwaniwa Falls. From two lookout points, we were able to view the falls from an upper and lower perspective.

Back to camp and lunch and a dry off, as rain has set in. Shortly after, Dylan and Elaine call the group to gather for a meeting. The weather forecast is such that the Camp and walks are closing, and it is strongly advised to vacate the area and head home. As we will be back in Rotorua a day early, “Walking Legends” will find accommodation for everyone for that evening. So with sadness but understanding, we pack up, jump in the vans and motor back to Rotorua.

One final act of drama on the journey, a wheel on the baggage trailer snaps off and rolls away down the road. Fortunately no accidents, apart from a badly damaged trailer! Baggage out and loaded into the back of the vans, then off for the final push to Rotorua.

Guests are offloaded at two Rotorua hotels, but the Old Pharts decide to drive back to Hamilton, via an Italian restaurant in Eat Streat.

After our Lake Waikaremoana trip we were to spend a couple of days in Rotorua, cycling and exploring. However, it wasn’t to be.

Despite the early finish, this was an excellent trip. Guides Dylan and Elaine were fantastic, as were our fellow travellers. “Walking Legends” are a very efficient and well run organisation. We thoroughly recommend.

Walking Legends