Lake Tekapo, August 2021

After flying to Christchurch from Hamilton, we collected our RAV4 rental, and drove to Tekapo.

An hour after our arrival, the Prime Minister announced there was to be a lockdown, due to a Community COVID case in Auckland. Three days in the South Island, and seven in Auckland, until more information is gathered. Not a great start to the holiday!

Day One of lockdown, and a morning visit to the Supermarket was followed by a local afternoon walk. Sunny but cool day. Our cabin in “The Cairns Alpine Resort” is well appointed, and nice and warm. A smart TV is very welcome.

With the three day South Island lockdown, we have had to cancel our one night stay at Ohau Lodge, and extend our stay in Tekapo by a further night. At this stage, no known cases of COVID in the South Island.

Day 2, and after the daily masked visit to the Supermarket, we settled in for the Prime Minister and Director of Health’s daily update. COVID appears restricted to Auckland at this stage. An anxious wait for tomorrow’s announcement, and whether we can continue on to Wanaka.

Our exercise for the day was the Peninsular Loop Walk, with great views of the Lake and Mountains.

Level 4 lockdown continues until Wednesday, so in Tekapo we remain. The Manager of our accommodation complex has kindly provided us with golf clubs, so we can attack the 9 hole Cairns golf course.

The weather has been gloriously fine, adding to lockdown frustrations. We have cancelled our Wanaka accommodation. Depending on the Government’s announcement on Monday, we may make it there for a few days. The area needs to be at Level 2 for ski fields to operate.

Another “bluebird” day at Lake Tekapo! We decided to play the 9 hole Cairns Golf Course this afternoon. Had the course to ourselves. Quite a challenging course, made tougher with a lot of surface water. However, in pretty good condition, and wonderful views.

Another fine day, albeit it very windy. After the morning Supermarket visit, and 1pm COVID update, we decided to attack the Mt John summit track.
Quite steep, but we were rewarded with great views.

A few more days in Tekapo at Level 4, as just announced by Prime Minister Ardern. Walked the Cowan Hill walkway this afternoon.

The wonderful weather continues, so we decided to walk the Mt John Lakeshore and summit track. A three hour journey and, according to my Fitbit, 18000 steps!

Still locked down in Tekapo, and running out of areas to explore! Today we walked along the Tekapo River to Lake George Scott. This is a man-made lake created as a holding pond to divert water from the river into the Tekapo Canal. Tekapo A Power Station is located here also. This is the beginning of the Waitaki Power Scheme. The power station began operations in 1951.

Lockdown over, and it’s time to head home to Hamilton. That was a ski holiday that didn’t go to plan .. never got the skis out of their bag! Three planned nights in Tekapo, one at Ohau Lodge and nine in Wanaka turned into fifteen nights in Tekapo!

A huge thanks to Lisa and the team at The Cairns Alpine Resort. They were very helpful and supportive, and the accommodation was just perfect. We will be back, hopefully next time without Covid disruption.